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Where can I find U.S. demographic information? 

Last updated on Nov 17, 2020    Consumer Information


The U.S. Census and SimplyAnalytics are great starting points for U.S. demographic information. The Explore Census Data portal is the data platform maintained by the U.S. Census. The library database SimplyAnalytics pulls data from the U.S. Census and allows you to create charts, maps, and lists. Feel free to visit our Demographics page for more recommended resources.


Explore Census Data

  1. Select Advanced Search
  2. Use the Filters (on the left) that are appropriate to your research
    1. Common filters are Topics (Populations and People), Geography, and Years



Note: Create an account (it's free!) to save your searches and/or reports. Alternatively, sign in as a guest.

  • SimplyAnalytics offers the ability to generate maps, reports or rankings
  • Each type provides a 'Launch Wizard' to guide you through the steps


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