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Where can I find industry ratios?

Last updated on Nov 17, 2020   


You may locate industry ratios in multiple library resources, including: IBISWorld, eStatement Studies, Morningstar and Mergent Online.



  1. Search industry by name or NAICS code
  2. Select the most relevant industry
  3. Click on Key Statistics (tab on left) then scroll down to Industry Financial Ratios

Note: IBISWorld pulls their financial ratios from RMA. The LMU Library also subscribes to the direct RMA source, eStatement Studies.


eStatement Studies

Provides financial ratios for over 700 industries

  1. Search for an industry by keyword or NAICS code


Mergent Online

Use Mergent Online to create a customized search by adding specific companies and generating industry ratios.

  1. Search industry by NAICS code or use the Code Lookup 
  2. Add relevant companies to the Company Analysis List (top-left) 
  3. Generate industry ratios by running a company comparison report (under My Mergent Tools)



Morningstar Investment Research Center

  1. Search for a major company in your industry (e.g., AT&T for telecommunications)
  2. Select Industry Peers
  3. Morningstar provides ratios for individual companies as well as industry averages



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