Where can I find information about consumer lifestyles and trends?
Last updated on Nov 17, 2020
Feel free to browse the Consumer & Market Segments page on the Business LibGuide for all the recommendations. Mintel, Passport by Euromonitor, and the American Time Use Survey (ATUS) are good starting points for information about consumers.
Provides U.S. consumer reports and trends.
- Create a Mintel profile to access all of the database features
- Browse by Category (tab) or search by key terms
Passport by Euromonitor (formerly GMID by Euromonitor)
Offers Consumer Lifestyles and Digital Consumer reports by country.
- Select Consumers tab then Lifestyles
- Browse Theme and Content under Analysis Finder for relevant reports
Measures the amount of time people spend doing various activities, such as paid work, childcare, volunteering, and socializing
- Select ATUS Charts then browse by activity